world court of women on…

world court of women on…

Source: Vimochana, Asian Women’s Human Rights Council

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Language: English

Other Details: Portrait, colour, paper

Description: The Asian court on crimes on Women was initiated by Corriane Kumar, who is the founder of the whole concept. The structure of the court consists of witnesses, jury, women subject to violence. Testimonies of women who have been subject to violence, of those who have survived and those who are still subject to violence are recorded and there is a public hearing. There is a jury which listens to women, who are not only subject to violence but also have rebelled and resisted violence.

Another purpose of these courts is to categorize violence as certain type, which might not be recognized but is in fact violence, it may be mental, physical, sexual etc, the main purpose is to make audible these invisible voices.
Yet another purpose is to voice out the truth to the powerless, and seek the consciousness of the world. To question different perspectives whether law, ethic and politics. It attempts to speak equality

Date: 18 January 2004

No. of copies: 500

Copyright status: No Copyright