Source: Provenance Unknown
Location: Gujarat
Language: Gujarati
Let us come together today
and take our village into our own hands
(on the left)
Gram Sabha (Village Committee)
– will consist of members who hold voting rights.
– will make plans to increase people’s participation.
-will conceive financial activities for the weaker sections and execute work entrusted by Taluka and the District Panchayat.
– Approve plans for development of the village.
-Approve the budget.
– A Gram Sabha is a committee formed by members in the voters’ list of the villages under the purview of the Panchayat.
Gram Sabha
We can call a Gram Sabha every two months.
(on the right)
What will the agenda of the Gram Sabha?
-Check accounts with the Gram Panchayat.
-Look at reports of work.
-Make the budget.
-Plan the development of the village.
Gram Panchayat
-The members of the Panchayat as well as the Sarpanch shall be elected directly by the people.
-The elected members shall choose the vice-Sarpanch.
Gram Sabha is the foundation of the Panchayat.
Gram Sabha is our right.